1835 Capped Dime recovered by Chris Miller. Eastern NC.

1944 Australian Siver coin used for cane top recovered by Rusty Hicks . Eastern NC Dog Park

Union Civil War Army Corp of Engineers Button. Recovered by Dale Morris. Eastern NC Plantation.

50-year anniversary Daisey/Red Ryder token. Recovered by Mark Amerson local Eastern NC park.

Rare .52 caliber Gomez and Mills civil war bullets recovered by father and son team, John and Kendall Dilday. Eastern NC Plantation site
Bucket Lister! NC starburst Civil War button recovered by Steve Blanchard, Eastern NC farmers field.
Pre-civil War military buttons found in Eastern NC farm field recovered by Mike Kleinfelt
Official 1966 Inaugural Carolina Panthers Coin recovered by Rusty Hicks. Local Park
Civil War Union Artillery button recovered by Chris Miller eastern NC.

"Playing in the farmers field during a stormy day " recoveries made by Ginny Johnson. Colonial button, pottery shards, Native American arrowheads, Great white shark tooth. Eastern Nc.

Antique US Navy silver spoon. Recovered by Mark Amerson local park eastern NC.

Early Dr.Pepper Bottke. Recovered by Dale Morris

An hour hunt at a local house finds. Recovered by Joe Demoranville

"Stroll in the park" recoveries. Recovered by Rusty "Nail" Hicks

Eastern NC farmer fields finds. Recovered by Dale Morriss

Sometimes ya gotta dig a "little Iron" to get to the good finds! Recovered by Johnathan Rawls Eastern Nc.

First metal cartridge Burnside bullet Union civil war. Recovered by Thomas Powell.

1787 Carlos III Spanish Real silver coin. Recovered by Chris Miller Eastern Nc.

Civil War-Union Infantry button . Recovered by Keith Morgan Eastern Nc.

"3 little Indians" along with 1895 Barber dime and 1894 Barber Quarter. Recovered by Gary Wester Edgecombe County Farmers feild.

Johnson’s Silver Minnow lure made of copper. Patent date stamped on it is 08/22/1928. Recovered by Keith Harris, Eastern Nc.

"Done lots of digging today not counting the trash". Recoveries by Mark Amerson Eastern NC.

First hunt of 2024. Military button, 4 wheat cents. Recovered by Gary Wester.